How to Create Your Own Personal Affirmation for True Love 1

How to Create Your Own Personal Affirmation for True Love


If you’re unfamiliar with affirmations, they are a simple and direct way to create goal statements based on achieving our greatest desires. Affirmations are flexible because they can be written to address any situation in life.

True love is an interesting subject since it lies so close to heart (pun-intended). Crafting the perfect affirmation to attract true love requires a few key ingredients:

  • A Pure Soul
  • Profound Insight
  • Deep Desire
  • An Open Heart

How to Create Your Own Personal Affirmation for True Love 2

All of the above sound pretty and are easy to agree to right now. But in the moment of truth, when the pressure is on, it’s hard to live up to the above and meet our goals head on. So how do we do it? How can we attract love without fear? Well, with practice.

By creating the affirmation, we’re taking the first step. By using the affirmation, we’re crossing the bridge.

How to Write An Affirmation For True Love:

Here is how I approach writing an affirmation to bring to me my match made in heaven.

(1) Set aside some quiet time to be in solitude and really have an honest conversation with yourself.

(2) Take out a pen and paper. (Nothing digital. No smartphones, tablets, iPads, computers.)

(3) Ask yourself what you truly want in a partner. Be completely genuine and sincere about this. List out everything. What you don’t want along with what you do. If you’re putting in the effort it deserves, it should take you a minimum of a 1/2 hr. You can write it in any form: personal letter, bullet points, staccato punctuated partial thoughts, incomplete sentences. Just get it down on paper.

Take the

Law of Attraction


  • How to Magnetize Your Thoughts to Pull Your Desires into Reality (Day 4)
  • Find Out Which Emotion Works Best for Manifesting (Day 1 & Day 2)
  • The Surefire Sign That You’re Pushing Away Your Desire (Day 3)

Great entry-level challenge
to learn how to manifest for beginners.

How to Create Your Own Personal Affirmation for True Love 3

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(4) Now grab another sheet of paper and create groups or categories. The way I do this is to fold the sheet into 1/8ths (eighths). [Example Image] [Video reference] Create categories like: Appearance, Personality, Background/Heritage, Education Level, Family (Immediate or Extended), Interests/Hobbies, Level of Wealth, Social Status, etc. Choose 8 categories that are important to you. I’ve provided some, but you may think of others.
(5) Next, use the 8 folded spaces a write the category at the top of each space (box). Then refer to your ‘braindump’ from Step 3 and fill in each category with what you’ve written. For example: If I wrote, “Green eyes”, I’d then place that in Appearance category. If I wrote, “Likes to Laugh”, I place that in the Personality category.
(6) Once everything is categorized, you might come up with more ideas and character traits. Just keep jotting them down and categorizing them. Use more sheets of folder paper, if necessary.
(7) Now, once everything is categorized, review each group and summarize it in a statement. So if I had “Speaks French, Ivy League Grad, Plays Piano,” all underneath the Education category, I would write: “My partner is a highly educated Ivy Grad that speaks french and plays piano.”
(8) By now you should have a list of sentences. Craft these sentences into one full story describing your ideal mate.
You now have a full picture of your ideal mate. You can review this daily, weekly, or even hourly. The more often you read, the faster you’ll memorize, and eventually it becomes a part of you. (That is the goal!) [For more info on how to generate and call upon the energy of Love, read our post: How to Attract Love Energy.]
Watch what happens over the next few weeks and months. You’ll find the Universe bringing your story to life. And with enough time, your partner will manifest. Then Congratulations to you! You’re now learning how to manifest your dream life with your dream partner. This is the art of deliberate creation and manifesting thoughts.

If you’d like one-on-one personalized assistance in creating the affirmation and a personalized process.

If you find you’re hitting a roadblock with your affirmation, then consider scheduling a one-on-one Law of Attraction consultation session. Our specialists have been trained in special techniques to remove blocks and help nurture your dreams to reality. Sign up below for the next available time slot.

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If you’re still finding the attraction-manifestation process to be challenging and you would like hands-on help and guidance, please sign-up below for the next available appointment.

How to Create Your Own Personal Affirmation for True Love 4

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