What Are Spiritual Laws

What Are Spiritual Laws?

So what are spiritual laws? We live in a reality that has a clearly defined and specific set of truths which are ever present and unchanging. Before ever reading this article, you may have never known that our world is governed by these rules.

These laws are immutable meaning that they are fixed, permanent, and cannot be changed. They are definite, limitless, and we can always rely upon them to operate on all dimensions (all planes of existence). If you’ve ever asked yourself, “What Are Spiritual Laws?”, then be sure to read on.

These laws (rules, principles, or truths) are so predictable, ready-made, and concrete that once we learn how to use them, we can begin to create our realities as we see fit. We can bend reality at our will. We call these truths our Universal Spiritual Laws.

Universal Spiritual Laws (also known as Spiritual Principles, or the Immutable Laws) are rules by which our Universe is governed. These are truths that cannot be altered or broken. They remain intact no matter the circumstance. This is what separates them from religion, which is man-made and hence ultimately flawed.

All religion borrows from Spiritual Law and were put in place by the Creator (or Divine Intelligence, the Great Spirit).So what are the Spiritual Laws of the Universe? To name a few: The Law of Cause and Effect (aka The Law of Karma), The Law of Vibration, The Law of Polarity, The Law of Divine Oneness, The Law of Correspondence, and many more!

Spiritual Laws surpass and supersede all of our basic physical laws, for example: Gravity. The Law of Gravity is a physical law, but not a Universal Spiritual Law, which means that it can be broken. Birds break the Law of Gravity every day with the Law of Aerodynamics. It doesn’t mean that Gravity no longer is there, but the Law of Aerodynamics allows birds to defy Gravity.

Where Did The Universal Laws Come From?

Because Spiritual Law was put in place before sentient life forms existed, no one really knows the origin (where and when). However, it is very clear that these laws are very powerful and operate on all levels, throughout all dimensions, space, and time.

When it comes down to who wrote the universal laws, it assumed that many people over thousands of years managed to document them. Secret societies and Mystery schools have had access to this spiritual knowledge since the beginning of their creation. Shamans and High Priestesses, who usually pass knowledge through storytelling from generation to generation, also are privy to these spiritual laws.

Despite the origin remaining a mystery, one thing continues to be crystal clear, Spiritual Law is a constant and here to stay. Once we learn and abide by spiritual law, it will set us free. Hidden truths will be revealed and you will learn how to become more spiritually aware. Understanding Spiritual law requires knowing how to shift your mindset. But once you do, an entirely new and different world will be revealed to you.

What Are Spiritual Laws?

How Many Laws Of The Universe Are There?

Many want to draw a line in the sand and categorize groups of Laws. However, they are all found in our natural Universe (and other Universes beyond). Some may say there are 7, 12, 20, or 100s of Laws. Honestly, the number doesn’t matter because many of the Laws offer the same lessons. And many of these lessons overlap and are repeated throughout the Laws. So as long as you learn the core laws you can competently answer the question: “What Are Spiritual Laws?”

Why are Spiritual Laws important?

Spiritual laws govern our universe. They proffer a level playing field where we all have access to the gifts the Universe provides us and we can take advantage, by endeavoring to make our lives better, as well loved ones and those around us.

Spiritual laws are like guiding principles that help us understand the deeper meaning of life and our place in the world. They provide a sense of purpose and direction by teaching us about universal truths and values that go beyond just the physical world we see. These laws offer insights into concepts like love, compassion, and interconnectedness, reminding us that our actions and intentions have a greater impact than we might realize. By following spiritual laws, we can make choices that align with our higher selves and contribute positively to our own lives and the lives of others.

Moreover, spiritual laws offer a way to find balance and harmony within ourselves and with the world around us. They encourage us to cultivate qualities like gratitude, kindness, and mindfulness, which can lead to a sense of inner peace and well-being. These laws also promote personal growth and self-awareness, helping us recognize our patterns of behavior and thought, and guiding us towards transformation. Overall, spiritual laws provide a framework for living a more meaningful and fulfilling life by encouraging us to look beyond the surface and tap into the deeper aspects of our existence.

How To Use Universal Laws

Using spiritual laws involves recognizing their universal nature and integrating their wisdom into our daily lives. This can be done by aligning our choices and behaviors with the principles these laws convey, leading to a more harmonious and meaningful existence. By making conscious choices and considering how our actions impact others, we can create a more harmonious environment.

By keeping these principles in mind and practicing them consistently, we can navigate life with greater mindfulness and purpose. To use these laws, we need to reflect on their underlying messages and incorporate their teachings into our thoughts, actions, and intentions. Only then can we cultivate positivity, balance, and personal growth in our lives.

How To Live By The Universal Laws

Living by the universal laws means adopting a mindful and purposeful approach to our actions and thoughts. Firstly, it’s about understanding these laws and recognizing how they shape our lives. Take time to learn about them and reflect on their meanings.

Once you have a grasp of the universal laws, practice conscious awareness throughout your day. Consider how your thoughts, words, and actions align with these principles. For instance, if you want to promote positivity, focus on cultivating positive thoughts and expressions. Similarly, if you aim to spread kindness, ensure your actions and interactions reflect that intention.

Furthermore, living by these laws involves acknowledging your interconnectedness with others and the world around you. Treat others how you would like to be treated, as the law of cause and effect suggests. Show empathy, compassion, and respect. Remember, these laws are not strict rules, but rather guideposts that encourage personal growth, self-awareness, and a more meaningful life journey.

Spirituality v Religion

Spirituality and religion are related but have some key differences. Spirituality is a personal and inner journey to connect with a greater purpose or higher power. It’s about finding meaning, inner peace, and understanding in life. It doesn’t always involve organized practices or rituals but focuses on individual experiences and beliefs. On the other hand, religion often involves organized beliefs, practices, and rituals shared by a group of people. It provides a structured way to connect with the divine and often follows specific doctrines, teachings, and traditions.

In spirituality, there’s more flexibility to explore various beliefs and practices that resonate with an individual’s inner journey. It’s about a personal connection and growth, while religion can have more communal aspects and specific guidelines to follow. People can be spiritual without following a particular religious tradition, while religion often involves adherence to specific beliefs and practices. Both spirituality and religion offer pathways to find purpose and connection, but they do so in different ways that cater to various individuals’ preferences and needs.

List Of Spiritual Laws

Depending on your source, it is possible to draft a lengthy list of spiritual laws. To make understanding the list of spiritual laws easier, we can divide them into four (4) groups or four (4) categories:

(1) Fundamental Laws of Existence (Basic Laws of Life)
(2) Laws of Creation
(3) Laws of Higher Awareness
(4) Laws of Higher Frequency

(1) Fundamental Laws of Existence (Basic Laws of Life)

  • The Law of Attraction
  • The Law of Request (The Law of Help)
  • The Law of Resistance
  • The Law of Reflection
  • The Law of Projection
  • The Law of Attachment

(2) Laws of Creation

  • The Law of Attention
  • The Law of Flow
  • The Law of Abundance
  • The Law of Clarity
  • The Law of Intention
  • The Law of Prosperity
  • The Law of Manifestation
  • The Law of Success

(3) Laws of Higher Awareness

  • The Law of Balance & Polarity
  • The Law of Karma
  • The Law of Reincarnation
  • The Law of Responsibility
  • The Law of Discrimination
  • The Law of Affirmation
  • The Law of Prayer
  • The Law of Meditation
  • The Law of Challenge

(4) Laws of Higher Frequency

  • The Law of Frequency (or Vibration)
  • The Law of Miracles
  • The Law of Healing
  • The Law of Purification
  • The Law of Perspective
  • The Law of Gratitude
  • The Law of Blessings
  • The Law of Decree
  • The Law of Faith
  • The Law of Grace
  • The Law of One

What Are Spiritual Laws?

Spiritual laws are like timeless guideposts that help us navigate the deeper aspects of life. They are principles that teach us about the interconnectedness of all things, and how our thoughts, actions, and intentions play a role in shaping our reality. These laws remind us to cultivate qualities like kindness, positivity, and mindfulness, which can lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling life journey.

By understanding and embracing spiritual laws, we can find meaning, purpose, and a sense of balance in our lives. These principles encourage us to look beyond the surface and tap into our inner wisdom, helping us create a life that aligns with our higher selves. Whether we’re seeking personal growth, inner peace, or a deeper connection with the universe, spiritual laws offer us a roadmap to navigate our journey with intention and authenticity.

Spirituality Consultations

If you’re still find understanding Spirituality (and how it fits in your life) to be a challenge and you would like hands-on help and guidance, please sign-up below for the next available appointment.

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